Monday, December 21, 2009

Will using 3rd party toner damage my laser printer?

I switched from using my printer manufacturer's toner to an off-brand. The print outs are of noticebly poorer quality, and excessively dark. While I might be able to live with the ugly printouts, I am concerned that my drum might wear prematurely (the drum costs $150 to replace). Will continued use of this toner damage my drum?Will using 3rd party toner damage my laser printer?
Change toner cartridge makers. I use the Office Depot brand in my HP LaserJet 6L %26amp; have for 3 years now. I get $5 back when I take in the empty one too.Will using 3rd party toner damage my laser printer?
Yes, there's every liklihood that it would.

I'd advise your getting rid of the off-brand and switching back to the OEM when you still can.
If you have prints that are too dark then and messy then you have a problem. chances are that you have purchased a toner that was poorly re manufactured. This means that all of the replaceable and important parts, like ribbons and gears were not replaced.

Since drums for the most part are waste management this will wear out the drum prematurely. It is perfectly safe you use a third partly brand as long as you find one that you cannot notice a difference on.

What you have now is crap. take it back.

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